This is the updated version of my book “Building Rock Bass Lines.” It’s been cleaned up, and clarified through several years of me using it with students. Learn the essential process of constructing a bass line from a set of chords, similar to the method in “Building Walking Bass Lines” but with rock-oriented chord progressions. It doesn’t just show you “what” to play, it teaches you how to KNOW what to play. This book will teach you how to be a sentient bass player, and not just follow the guitarists left hand.
Rock Bass 101
There’s more to rock bass playing than just following the guitarist’s left hand! This book with audio demo exercises and full-length tunes available online for download or streaming gives you all the tools you need to construct your own bass lines, creatively and effectively, in a rock context. Learn to play the perfect line for any musical situation – on the spot! Topics covered include: tips on playing position and posture • warm-up exercises • essential scales and rhythms • building with octaves, appraoch notes, and fifths • box shapes, pentatonic scales and blues • and rhythmic variations.
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